TUI Fly and TUI Germany closer together

TUI Fly and TUI Germany closer together
  • Director Oliver Lackmann is a member of the Board source market of the central region of TUI
  • Roland Keppler is dedicated to new responsibilities outside the Group
  • Human and financial sectors of TUI fly report to Sybille tear and Mathias Kiep

The TUI Group will strengthen the cooperation between TUI fly and TUI Germany. In a competitive environment, TUI thus creating an integrated management of the flight business, both marketing and operational level. The 49-year-old captain and former co-CEO Oliver Lackmann is sole manager of TUIfly GmbH and member of the Board source market of the central region of the TUI. Here the future important decisions for the business of operators and airline should be taken. Roland Keppler has decided to pursue new activities outside the TUI Group after two years at the helm of the popular holiday airline.

"Roland Keppler took over the chairmanship of the Board of TUI fly in autumn 2016 under very challenging circumstances and the company navigates through turbulent times. He has prepared the integration into the TUI Aviation and develops the strategy for closer integration between tour operators and airlines with us, we are implementing now. We would like to thank specifically at Roland Keppler for his commitment and wish him all the best "for the future, says David Burling, CEO markets and airlines of TUI Group.

Oliver Lackmann, who works as a managing director and Accountable Manager since March this year, will be present from now in source market Board of the Central Region, which is the overall responsibility headed by the Chairman of the Board of TUI Germany Marek Andryszak. So that TUI fly is closely involved in all agreements of the German operator, TUI and TUI fly and Germany make joint decisions. The staff functions of TUI fly report immediately Sybille tear as a member of the Board source market of the central region, which finance functions report to Mathias Kiep, also a member of the Board source market.

Closer together, the five charter airlines of the TUI Group. As part of TUI Aviation important functions are bundled and thus the efficiency between the companies in the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Germany increased. This composite also experiences a strengthening because now the flight operations work more closely together. Oliver Lackmann is a trained pilot responsible for the Group-wide function of the Director Flight Operations, including the Compliance & Safety management and at the same time also represent the TUI fly in TUI Aviation Board. He will report to Kenton Jarvis, CEO of TUI Aviation.

Meanwhile, flying over 150 aircraft for the TUI Group. At the beginning of an extensive fleet renewal program started with the acquisition of 72 Boeing 737 MAX (plus 48 options).