Lufthansa offers Ufo to go into comprehensive arbitration even without peace obligation at subsidiary Airlines

Lufthansa is offering the Ufo trade union the opportunity to begin the comprehensive arbitration process at its subsidiaries Eurowings, Germanwings and CityLine, even without a binding peace obligation, in order to make a "major" arbitration process with Ufo possible.  The waiver of the assurance of a peace obligation would be linked to a moderation process at Germanwings in which all open tariff issues could be discussed. Lufthansa is open and ready to discuss the question of whether a moderation process at Germanwings can occur with or without a binding peace obligation.Lufthansa made this concession to the Ufo in constructive talks of the past few days.

Lufthansa continues to do everything in its power to agree a "major" arbitration with Ufo for the core brand in order to solve the urgent problems of the cabin staff.If this form of arbitration does not come about, the collective arbitration will be continued under the leadership of the two arbitrators Matthias Platzeck and Frank-Jürgen Weise.