Liege Airport is investing more than 50 million euros in cargo in 2018

Liege Airport has recently decided to invest in 4 new parking areas for large aircraft. This investment amounts to 30 million euros.

Following last month’s decision to provide a further 20,000 m2 of space for cargo, it means that next year, Liege Airport is investing more than 50 million euros in cargo.

“The increase in volume we have seen in 2017 shows no sign of slowing down in 2018. We need to anticipate this growth and speed up the development plan we had in place,” explains Luc Partoune, CEO of Liege Airport.

The new parking areas for aircrafts will be operational in 2019. They fall within the Flexpress strategy, which prioritizes cargo.

Liege Airport is expecting a record year in 2017 with more than 700,000 tonnes handled.