Initial 2020 YTD (JAN–SEP) UIA Results During Quarantine Period

Initial 2020 YTD (JAN–SEP) UIA Results During Quarantine Period

October 20, 2020: Ukraine International Airlines (UIA) results for the first nine months of 2020, January – September, were severely impacted by the worldwide CoVid-19 pandemic and government issued quarantines for travelers. At the the start of quarantines in Ukraine, UIA was forced to take decisive action and make a monumental effort to reduce costs by reducing its fleet, eliminating hundreds of flights and reducing the number of staff at the peak of the pandemic.

Despite the current global conditions impacting the global aviation industry, UIA is confidently rebuilding its route network and increasing its fleet and staff to serve the demand for travel in Ukraine and around the world.

The results from the first nine months of 2020 have been challenging as shown with the information that the airline is reporting relating to number of flights and routes, as well as the number of passengers and amount of cargo carried.

UIA results: January – September 2020:

Q Number of scheduled flights: 8,981

Q Number of charter flights: 2,728

Q Total number of transported passengers: 1,451,332

o    Passengers of regular flights: 1,004,852

o   Passengers of charter flights: 446,480

Q Total cargo volume: 3,615,610 kg

Q UIA offered flights on 46 routes

Separately, UIA presents statistics for September 2020:

Q Number of scheduled flights: 466

Q Number of charter flights: 772

Q Total number of transported passengers: 171,713

o    Passengers of regular flights: 37,799

o   Passengers of charter flights 133,914

Q Total cargo volume: 176,263 kg

UIA continues to monitor all developments related to the global pandemic and governmental guidelines and regulations to all countries where the airline operates. The airline seeks to resume normal operations as soon as conditions permit. Information on each country’s protocols travel recommendations can be found at

During these unprecedented times, Ukraine International Airlines continues to place the safety and health of our passengers and crew as its top priority. UIA applies safety standards and procedures provided by the World Health Organization, the International Air Transport Association, the European Aviation Safety Agency, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, as well as the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the State Aviation Service. More information on UIA’s safety measures on our flights can be found here.

Information about flying through UIA’s hub at Kyiv Boryspil Airport can be found by clicking this link.