IAG converts six B787-10 and one A350-900 options

IAG converts six B787-10 and one A350-900 options

International Airlines Group (IAG) is converting six Boeing 787-10 options held by British Airways into firm orders and at the same time is adding a further six 787-10 options to its long-haul order book.

IAG is also converting one Airbus A350-900 option held by Iberia into a firm order.

The firm aircraft will be delivered in 2025 and 2026 and will be used by British Airways and Iberia to restore capacity in the airlines' long-haul fleets.

Luis Gallego, IAG Chief Executive Officer, said: "These latest generation aircraft will contribute to restoring capacity to pre-pandemic levels.  They will be among the most fuel-efficient aircraft in our long-haul fleet and will help towards our commitment to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050."

Nicholas Cadbury

Chief Financial Officer

27 July 2023

·    The price of a Boeing 787-10 was listed by Boeing as approximately $428.5m in January 2024 dollars and the A350-900 was listed as approximately $317.4m in the last published Airbus price list of January 2018. IAG has negotiated substantial discounts from the list prices.
·    The Group has a range of financing options and will choose the most appropriate financing source closer to the delivery time.