GOL Announces Share Repurchase

São Paulo, April 10, 2018 - GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes S.A. (“GLAI” or “Company”), (NYSE: GOL and B3: GOLL4), Brazil’s #1 airline, in compliance with the provision in §4 of article 157 of L. 6404, dated December 15, 1976, as amended (“Corporations Act”) and CVM Instruction 358/2002 (“CVMI358”), informs that its Board of Directors approved a Share Repurchase program at a meeting held on the date hereof, in accordance with article 30, paragraph 1, “b” of the Corporations Act and CVM Instruction 567/2015 (“Repurchase”), through which the Company shall purchase up to 740,000 (seven hundred and forty thousand) preferred shares in transaction executed on the Brazilian stock exchange B3. The purpose of the Repurchase is to comply with the Company's obligations related to the Restricted Shares Plan approved at the Company's Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on October 19, 2012 ("Plan").

The Company currently has 266,559,135 outstanding preferred shares (as defined in article 8, paragraph 3, I of CVM Instruction 567/2015) and holds 278,612 preferred shares in treasury, which shall be used for the purpose of the Plan. The acquisition of the preferred shares under the terms of the Repurchase can be performed during a 12 day period, beginning on April 11, 2018 and ending on April 23, 2018. The Company mandates CoinValores CCVM Ltda. and CM Capital Markets CCTVM Ltda. to act as an intermediary in the acquisition of the preferred shares under the Repurchase.

The Repurchase of preferred shares is limited to the amount of the Capital Reserve account eligible for the repurchase of shares under the Corporations Act.