GECAS faces difficulties in repossessing two ex-Cobalt A320s

Shannon based GECAS has reached out to the US Embassy in Cyprus for assistance in repossessing their two A320s, serials 928 and 3259, which were leased to now defunct Cobalt Air.

Pilots from GECAS have been in Cyprus for nearly a week attempting to retrieve the aircraft, after finding the A320s locked up upon arrival and no one claiming responsibility for the action.

Cobalt recently went out of business, prompting GECAS to repossess their two A320s immediately.

GECAS also reached out to the CAA of Cyprus, but was unable to secure the aircraft, leading to a potential diplomatic situation as the US Embassy may have to get involved. The Cypriot Ministry of Transport is also said to be looking at the matter.

GECAS is a subsidiary of General Electric.