Denver International Airport Announces Hosting The 2018 International Aviation Forecast Summit

DENVER – Next August, the aviation world will gather in Denver for the 23rd Boyd Group International Aviation Forecast Summit, the industry’s more prestigious industry event.

Denver International Airport (DEN) will be the host, welcoming more than 500 aviation leaders and executives from across the industry and across the world to explore the future of global aviation. The Summit is the forum for these leaders to discuss emerging trends in the industry, and review the new dynamics that will shape air transportation in the future. The event will concurrently showcase Denver International to aviation leaders as an emerging major access point to the globe.

“It is an honor to host this popular aviation summit, which will help industry prepare for the future and share ideas to enhance the industry,” said DEN CEO Kim Day. "As an airport, we are always looking to improve; this is a great opportunity to hear, from industry leaders and have the opportunity to promote the exciting things going on at the airport and in our vibrant city and our state.”

Boyd Group International is a leading aviation research, forecast and consulting firm that has created a Summit that is considered one of the industry’s leading planning events. It is a forum where airlines, airports, aircraft manufacturers, financial institutions and other key sectors come together to discuss the future and the exciting trends facing the industry. The Summit delivers forecasts for key sectors of the aviation industry, including passenger traffic projections, fleet trends, international cross-alliances, and airline industry strategies.

“Aviation has no borders. in this context, Denver International as a growing global gateway is the perfect host for this international event,” stated Michael Boyd, president of the Evergreen, Colorado firm. “The emerging changes in aviation affect all sectors of the industry and all regions of the world. An aircraft order in the Middle East will affect suppliers and travelers in Sacramento and Shanghai. New airliner platforms will open more cities to the globe, changing consumer travel and business patterns. These are focus of the Summit. We look forward to welcoming aviation leaders from around the world to Denver.”

While in Denver, participants will have an opportunity to explore downtown Denver including various art, cultural and sports activities. Access to the hotel from Denver International Airport is easy with the commuter rail line that connects the airport to downtown Denver in just 37 minutes. To learn more about Denver’s events and attractions, visit