Atlantic Star update

A number of individuals and organisations have been in touch with us over the last week regarding future plans for Atlantic Star, now that preliminary details of the SAA Airlink service to Johannesburg have been announced.

The Atlantic Star position is that until such time that pricing for St.Helena flights and the timetable to make secure onward connections to the UK are published we cannot commit to any future flights. Atlantic Star remains committed to the concept of delivering flights to connect St.Helena to the UK and will explore ways of providing these when the time is right. Development of the tourism infrastructure on St.Helena and a clearer understanding of operational challenges at St.Helena Airport will both play a part in determining the best way forward regarding future air services.

In the meantime, we are working with partner Cello Aviation to offer a regular UK originating air service to support the community on Ascension Island, which has become isolated as a consequence of the runway at Ascension no longer being suitable for use by the RAF Voyager aircraft. Discussions with Ascension Island stakeholders about a potential solution are ongoing and remain confidential at this time.

Many thanks to those who have contacted us regarding the current situation - we will say more when we have something more tangible to share.