Air Lease Corporation Announces Lease Placement of Nine New Boeing 737 Aircraft with Corendon Airlines Group

Air Lease Corporation Announces Lease Placement of Nine New Boeing 737 Aircraft with Corendon Airlines Group

Today, Air Lease Corporation (NYSE: AL) announced long-term lease placements for nine new Boeing 737 aircraft with Corendon Airlines Group. Five new 737-8 aircraft are confirmed to deliver to Corendon Airlines (Turkey) in Spring 2022 and one new 737-8 will deliver to the Turkish airline in the first quarter of 2023. Corendon Airlines Group will lease three new 737-9 aircraft that are scheduled to deliver to the airline starting in the first half of 2023. All nine 737 aircraft will deliver from ALC’s orderbook with Boeing.

“ALC is a major lessor to the Corendon Airlines Group with three operating airlines in the Netherlands, Malta and Turkey, and we are pleased to announce these lease placements today,” said Steven F. Udvar-Házy, Executive Chairman of Air Lease Corporation. “These nine new Boeing 737 aircraft offer the most modern, fuel-efficient new technology that will greatly enhance Corendon’s overall fleet operations and passenger experience.”

“We appreciate and thank ALC for the long-time cooperation and fleet support,” said Yildiray Karaer, Chairman of the Corendon Group.