Air Inuit Announces New President and CEO

The Board of Directors of Air Inuit ltd. are pleased to announce that Mr. Christian Busch has been appointed as the new President and Chief Executive Officer of Air Inuit, effective April 1, 2021.

Mr. Busch joined Air Inuit in 2002 and most recently acted as the Executive Vice President and Chief operation officer of the airline.  Over the last 19 years, Christian has made many contributions to innovations undertaken by the airline and to its success. As a hands-on Executive with full knowledge of Air Inuit’s core mission and values, he will lead Nunavik’s airline through its next strategic phases and any challenges that await it. Northern aviation is highly specialized and his experience will be a valuable asset to Air Inuit.

“His proven success in building long-term relationships with Nunavimmiut, our stakeholders, customers, and regulators hasn’t gone unnoticed. Over the years he has played a big role in growing and innovating the business, and most importantly his recognition of our dedicated Air Inuit employees make him the best choice to lead Air Inuit,” said Board Chairman Noah Tayara.

“On behalf of Makivik Corporation, its Executives and the Board of Directors, I’m pleased to welcome and support Christian in his new role. In my years as Air Inuit president I worked very closely with Christian, his dedication to Air Inuit as well as his knowledge of the airline industry were very apparent. I have no doubts that our airline will be in good hands, and I look forward to working with Christian in his new role,” stated Makivik President Pita Aatami.