Air Atlanta announces senior management change

I am pleased to share certain changes to Air Atlanta‘s senior management structure.

As of 25th August, Mr. Vidar Hjartarson has taken over as VP Maintenance of Air Atlanta Icelandic. The formal process has been completed with ICETRA and Vidar has been accepted as the Nominated Person Continuing Airworthiness and VP Maintenance of Air Atlanta Icelandic.

Mr. Ketill Ketilsson will at the same time move from the VP Maintenance role and assume the position of VP Fleet Planning for Air Atlanta Icelandic. Ketill will also maintain his position as Nominated Person Continuing Airworthiness at Air Atlanta Europe.

I’m certain these changes will strengthen Air Atlanta’s infrastructure and efficiency and I know both of them look forward to working with you in their new roles.

On Behalf of CEO Baldvin Már Hermansson