AFI KLM E&M To Support Delta Air Lines A350 Fleet

AFI KLM E&M To Support Delta Air Lines A350 Fleet

Paris, Amstelveen, 31 August 2017 - AFI KLM E&M announced today to have entered into an agreement with Delta Air Lines to provide component support for the U.S. carrier's entire Airbus A350 fleet as well as a reciprocal component agreement which takes advantage of Delta TechOps component capabilities. The maintenance solutions to be performed by AFI KLM E&M cover component repairs and access to its A350 spares pool, primarily in the U.S. and Europe.

Full, truly global A350 support
AFI KLM E&M is the only MRO providing A350 component support to airlines based in Europe, Africa, Asia and now Americas. AFI KLM E&M's global network, which includes several engineering and logistics facilities in Asia, allows for an efficient, fast-track response in the support offered to Delta.

Strengthened MRO cooperation
This latest agreement bolsters a long-standing relationship between Delta and Air France KLM, which includes a trans-Atlantic joint venture and a recently-announced equity position that Delta plans to take in AIR FRANCE KLM Group (AIR FRANCE KLM strengthens its strategic partnerships). Extending the partnership into aircraft maintenance allows both airlines to provide MRO services and leverage each other's strengths through an exchange of work between both parties.

In addition to this relationship, Delta will benefit from the expertise and reputation of AFI KLM E&M with respect to component support in general and the A350 product in particular.

Anne Brachet, Executive Vice President AIR FRANCE KLM Engineering & Maintenance, said: "Delta is one of the biggest airlines in the world, and AFI KLM E&M is proud to help it operate a new aircraft type. With this new A350 contract, AFI KLM E&M is showing it is a major player in this emerging market, with an extensive, expert, and competitive service offer. This opportunity also opens the door to further MRO collaborations and we look forward to expanding our maintenance relationship."