AFI KLM E&M Ready To Support First LEAP Operations

AFI KLM E&M Ready To Support First LEAP Operations

Paris, Amstelveen, 2 October 2017 - AFI KLM E&M has extended its capability list to include maintenance for the LEAP engine equipping the Airbus A320neo and Boeing 737 MAX new-generation aircraft families, with an MRO service offering covering both On Wing/On Site support and shop visits. The LEAP engine, developed by CFM International, a 50/50 joint company between GE and Safran Aircraft Engines, is the successor to the best-selling CFM56 family of powerplants.

Bespoke MRO solutions for LEAP
In the AFI KLM E&M's strategic development plan, new generation engines - GEnx, Trent XWB and LEAP - have been identified as major growth drivers. AFI KLM E&M is developing a complete set of dedicated MRO capabilities for these products, including advanced solutions such as PROGNOS for Engines, an exclusive predictive maintenance tool designed as part of AFI KLM E&M's MRO Lab innovation program. After the GEnx capabilities, and with those for the Trent XWB currently being deployed, AFI KLM E&M is now developing an MRO service offering for the LEAP-1A (A320neo family) and the LEAP-1B (Boeing 737 MAX family).

AFI KLM E&M is a long-standing contributor to CFM56 family maintenance and was one of the first non-OEM providers of MRO solutions to move into the market.

Anne Brachet, EVP AIR FRANCE KLM Engineering & Maintenance, said: "We are deploying engineering capabilities tailored to operator requirements in the early years of LEAP operations. Through its global network of engine shops, AFI KLM E&M will be providing airlines operating the LEAP engine with On Wing/On Site support along with shop repair and maintenance services, ranging from inspection to shop visits at its facilities in Paris and Amsterdam."