AEI receives Argentinian STC Approval for B737-800SF

AEI receives Argentinian STC Approval for B737-800SF

Aeronautical Engineers, Inc. (AEI) is pleased to announce Argentina’s Administración Nacional de Aviación Civil (ANAC) has approved AEI’s STC (ST02690LA) for the 12-pallet position B737-800SF freighter conversion. AEI has gained FAA, CAAC, EASA, TCCA, UK CAA, CAACI (Cayman Islands) DCA (Guernsey), Brazilian and now Argentinian ANAC approvals for its B737-800SF.

AEI is currently the only conversion company to have ETOPS 180 approval on the 737-800 freighter conversion. Additionally, AEI can convert all 737-800 line number aircraft including those with Flat Aft Pressure Bulkheads, and Split Scimitar winglets.

The AEI converted B737-800SF freighter offers a main deck payload of up to 52,700 lbs. (23,904 kg) and incorporates eleven full height 88” x 125” container positions, plus an additional position for an AEP/AEH. The conversion also incorporates new floor beams aft of the wing box, a large 86” x 137” Main Cargo Door with a single vent door system.

AEI’s forward-thinking design allows for containers to be loaded into the aircraft a full 16.5” aft of the forward door jamb, ensuring ground operators have sufficient maneuvering room which minimizes potential door and aircraft strikes. Additionally, the AEI B737-800SF includes a flexible Ancra Cargo Loading System, a rigid 9g barrier, five supernumerary seats as standard, a galley, and full lavatory.